The selections are open to all and free.
To register your horse for the Fences selections, you just have to fill in the registration form corresponding to the category of your choice: 3 & 4 years old, foal, embryo, performer or broodmare.
Once the registration form is completed, you will receive a confirmation email. The Fences office will then come back to you quickly to inform you of the rest of the process.
by category
Click on the category of your choice for more information.
A few days before the selection date, the Fences team will get back to you by email to give you a presentation schedule. Your horse must be groomed. The videos and photos of the selections will be used to promote your horse for the auction.
1. When you arrive, report to the Fences office (usually located at the entrance to the arena) with the horse’s booklet. We will give you the number of horses that are still to go before you.
2. When you enter the arena, an information sheet and your horse’s booklet will be given to the Fences Associates.
3. The presentation begins with the announcement of the origins and the evaluation of the conformation and legs. The Fences associates will ask you to stop your horse in the middle of the arena and walk in a straight line.
4. Let’s jump! Your horse will make a few jumps on the device shown below. The Fences team takes care of everything.
The height and width of the obstacles will be adapted to the abilities of each horse.
5. Once the presentation is complete, Fences associates will return to you before you exit the ride with one of the following answers:
• Your horse is not selected
• Your horse is selected for the Deauville Selection Auction
• Your horse is selected for the Fences Elite Auctions
If your horse is selected for one of our auctions, you will be able to discuss with the Fences associates the Estimated Value of your horse. This is the minimum price you wish to sell for. We recommend that you think about this before the selection to facilitate the agreement.
Once an agreement is reached, only two steps remain:
1. A visit to the Fences office to formalize the registration for the auction. You will then have to sign the sale mandate, the guarantee voucher and the veterinary protocol.
2. A mandatory visit to the Fences veterinarian for your horse. Here, two options:
• You can present him with an existing radiographic record consisting of 20 pictures and dated less than 6 months before the auction. The veterinarian will validate that the radiographic file presented is complete and will check the heart and eyes of your horse.
• If you do not have this assessment, no problem, our veterinarian will make the 20 mandatory pictures on the spot for the sum of 375€ excl. taxes.
That’s it for the selections! For the rest, the Fences office will come back to you as we go along until the auction.
Our team is at your disposal to answer all your questions and to accompany you in the selection process. Do not hesitate to write to us at contact@fences.fr or to call us at +33 2 31 90 93 24.
In order to optimize the selections and to film your foals in good conditions, we dedicate them a separate tour. As for the 3 years old, we will organize several gatherings all over France on several dates during May and June.
In order to limit unnecessary travel, a pre-selection will be made before the tours. This first selection will be done on pedigrees and possibly on photos and videos. The pre-selected candidates will be invited to one of the gatherings. Your foal and its mother must be groomed. The videos and photos of the selections will be used to promote your foal for the auction.
1. When you arrive, present yourself to the Fences Associates with the real dam’s and surrogate’s booklets, if applicable. The associates will tell you when to present your foal.
2. The selections will start with the evaluation of the conformation and the legs. We will take the opportunity to take pictures of the foal at the stop. To do so, you will have to present the foal holding the mother in hand.
3. In a second step, we will film the gaits. You may be asked to run the mother in hand or to release her.
4. Once the presentation is complete, your foal will be directed to one of these auctions:
- the Deauville Classic Auction
- the Elite Auctions
- online
If your foal is selected for one of our auctions, you will be able to discuss with the Fences associates his Estimated Value. This is the minimum price you wish to sell for. We recommend that you think about this before the selection to facilitate the agreement.
No veterinary examination is done on the day of the selections. Depending on the auction, either a clinical visit will be done at the event, or you will have to provide us with a certificate of good health beforehand. The Fences office will get back to you every step of the way until the auction.
Every year we organize selection days dedicated to young horses aged 4 years and older.
In order to limit unnecessary travel, a pre-selection based on videos and results will be made beforehand. The pre-selected candidates will be invited to one of the gatherings. Your horse must be groomed. The videos and photos of the selections will be used to promote your horse for the auction.
1. When you arrive, report to the Fences office with the horse’s booklet. We will give you the number of horses that are still to be presented before you. While waiting for the presentation, a Fences groom will be present to do the final grooming.
2. Before the show jumping, we will film your horse’s legs at the walk and trot on a straight line. Before or after this workshop, you will also have to pass in front of our photographer to make pictures of the conformation and the head.
3. Let’s jump! Your horse will be presented by a Fences rider. After a relaxation during which we will capture images of the gaits (trot, gallop, changes of foot), it will evolve on a course composed of five obstacles whose difficulty will be adapted according to its age and its condition.
4. Once the presentation is complete, Fences Associates will come back to you with one of the following responses:
• Your horse is not selected
• Your horse is selected for the Fences Performers Auction
• Your horse is selected for the Deauville Classic Auction
If your horse is selected for one of our auctions, you will be able to discuss with the Fences associates the Estimated Value of your horse. This is the minimum price you wish to sell for. We recommend that you think about this before the selection to facilitate the agreement.
Once an agreement is reached, only two steps remain:
1. A visit to the Fences office to formalize the registration for the auction. You will then have to sign the sale mandate, the guarantee voucher and the veterinary protocol.
2. A mandatory visit to the Fences veterinarian for your horse. Here, two options:
• You can present him with an existing radiographic record consisting of 23 pictures and dated less than 6 months before the auction. The veterinarian will validate that the radiographic file presented is complete and will check the heart and eyes of your horse.
• If you do not have this assessment, no problem, our veterinarian will make the 23 mandatory pictures on the spot for the sum of 450€ excl. taxes.
That’s it for the selections! For the rest, the Fences office will come back to you as we go along until the auction.
Our team is at your disposal to answer all your questions and to accompany you in the selection process. Do not hesitate to write to us at contact@fences.fr or to call us at +33 2 31 90 93 24.
Once the registration is completed, your application is transferred to the Fences associates who will make their selection based on the origins of the mare as well as her performance and production if applicable.
The registration should ideally include a photo and/or video of the mare.
The selection process can take from a few days to a few weeks. The Fences office will get back to you as soon as possible by email or phone.
If your broodmare is selected, additional photos may be requested.
We will also ask you for a certificate of good health and a pregnancy certificate if the mare is sold in foal.
Our team is at your disposal to answer all your questions and to accompany you in the selection process. Do not hesitate to write to us at contact@fences.fr or to call us at +33 2 31 90 93 24.
We only sell implanted embryos and therefore do not select frozen embryos. The age of the surrogate is not a factor in the selection, however, for the embryo to be insurable, it is necessary that the surrogate be less than 17 years old the year of the foaling and that she be up to date with her influenza/tetanus/rhinopneumonia vaccinations.
The selection can take from a few days to a few weeks. The Fences office will get back to you as soon as possible by email or phone to let you know if your embryo has been selected for one of the following auctions:
- the Fences Performers Auction
- the Deauville Classic Auction
- the Breeding Auction online
If your embryo is selected, we will ask you for a gestation certificate and a certificate of good health of the surrogate mother as well as all the documents necessary for the proper registration of the foal (transfer certificate, implantation certificate and stallion documents).
Our team is at your disposal to answer all your questions and to accompany you in the selection process. Do not hesitate to write to us at contact@fences.fr or to call us at +33 2 31 90 93 24.