Talisman de Mazure, German Champion !

It was a reach weeakend with two CSI5* but it was the German Championship too. In the program 4 courses to designate the German Champion 2018. Only one couple emerged from this championship without dropping a single bar: Mario Stevens and Talisman de Mazure (Quaprice...

Hija van Strokapelleken likes the USA

After passing under the saddle of Roger Yves Bost and Penelope Leprevost, the Calido I daughter (Fences 2010), is at the American McLain Ward. And they make a great couple ! From January, they win 3 CSI5*and CSIO5* test !   We can also note their many rankings...

Tower Mouche wins in Arrezo

Tower Mouche (Fences 2007), Diamant de Semilly’s son, wins the 1m55 Grand Prix in CSI4* of Arrezzo with Bruno Chimirri. In this same test,  note the beautiful 4th place of Chopin des Hayettes (Fences 2010) with Emeric Georges for...