AUCTIONS CALENDAR The Fences performers AuctionS Le Grand Parquet – Fontainebleau (77) Saturday, April 26th from 8pm Live and online 5 to 8 year old horses and embryos Day(s) : Hour(s) : Minute(s) : Second(s) APRIL 26 The Fences Performers Auction Saturday, April 26 from 8pm On site and online Le Grand Parquet – Fontainebleau (77) 5 to 8 year old horses and embryos Saturday, April 26th from 8pm On site and online Le Grand Parquet – Fontainebleau (77) 5 to 8 year old horses and embryos June 30th & JULY 1st The Deauville Selection Auction June 30th and July 2st from 7:30pm On site and online Pôle International du Cheval Longines Deauville (14) 3 and 4 year old horses June 30th and July 1st from 7:30pm On site and online Pôle International du Cheval Longines Deauville (14) 3 and 4 year old horses august 16 Deauville Classic Auction Saturday, August 10 from 8pm On site and online Pôle International du Cheval Longines Deauville (14) 4 to 8 year old horses, foals and embryos Saturday, August 16th from 8pm On site and online Pôle International du Cheval Longines Deauville (14) 4 to 8 year old horses, foals and embryos september 3 to 6 The Fences Elite Auctions From Wednesday, September 3th to Saturday, September 7th from 8pm On site and online Espace Marcel Rozier – Bois-le-Roi (77) 3 year old horses and foals From Wednesday, September 3th to Saturday, September 6th from 8pm On site and online Espace Marcel Rozier – Bois-le-Roi (77) 3 year old horses and foals september 7 The Service Auction Sunday, September 1 from 7pm On site and online Espace Marcel Rozier – Bois-le-Roi (77) 3- and 4-year-old horses Sunday, September 7th from 7pm On site and online Espace Marcel Rozier – Bois-le-Roi (77) 3- and 4-year-old horses RECEIVE OUR NEWSLETTER Success! Name Email SUBSCRIBE +33 2 31 90 93 24 16 rue du Pavillon, 14700 FALAISE, FRANCE FollowFollowFollowFollow